
Deeper Learning in Social Studies

Join the National Council for the Social Studies and inquirED for our spring webinar series.
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Spring Social Studies Webinars

Join the National Council for the Social Studies and inquirED for our spring webinar series, “Deeper Learning in Social Studies.” Each webinar explores strategies, tools, and research-based practices to engage students, deepen their knowledge, and help them form meaningful connections in social studies. Register today!


Acquire, Connect, Transfer: A Framework for Deeper Knowledge Building

Thursday, February 13 @ 3:30 pm (CT)

How can students build deeper social studies knowledge and make meaningful connections across disciplines? Join inquirED and NCSS as we explore a framework for deeper learning with Julie Stern, author of Learning That Transfers and Visible Learning for Social Studies. Discover practical shifts in instructional practice that help students connect ideas and build lasting understanding.

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Literacy in Social Studies: Layered Learning with Primary and Secondary Sources

Thursday, March 6 @ 3:30 pm (CT)
Primary and secondary sources can be powerful tools to build social studies knowledge and literacy skills. Join inquirED and NCSS as we explore how to layer sources and tasks throughout a social studies Inquiry with Janelle Marker, Director of Inquiry Journeys Curriculum, inquirED. Learn how to use sources and inquiry-based tasks to foster meaningful student learning.
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The Walls Can Speak: Making Learning Visible in Social Studies

Thursday, April 10 @ 3:30 pm (CT)

How can we create classrooms where student thinking and learning are visible and accessible? What strategies can teachers use to display learning in ways that spark discussion, reflection, and deeper engagement? Join inquirED and NCSS as we explore practical strategies for making learning visible in social studies classrooms with LaKethia White, PD and Learning Lead at inquirED, and teacher guests.

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Storytime in Social Studies: Using Picture Books Across an Inquiry

Thursday, May 1 @ 3:30 pm (CT)
How can picture books spark inquiry and build knowledge in social studies classrooms? Join inquirED and NCSS to explore how to integrate picture books that inspire student curiosity and scaffold understanding across an Inquiry. Walk away with practical tools and examples to bring stories to life in your classroom. 
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